Destiny - -


Obviously she just waited for an agreement with her statements. With amazement she and the other attenders heard a “No, not completely so” from Eileen in a strong tone of voice. “What do you mean with: Not completely so? You have been bitten. You have transmuted and now you are on the run. What is wrong with this?” She looked at Eileen interrogative. “Well, indeed I have been bitten. I am on the run. I have transmuted. All this is right. But I have not transmuted into a Windudemon.” “That is impossible.” A male voice from the other side of the room shouted to her. “Everybody, who was bitten by a Windu, became one of these beasts. My woman and my children also became…” The man´s voice collapsed. “It is possible. But they never have before…” The old woman looked at Eileen in amazement. Then she turned around to her neighbour. “Do you remember? Do you remember the prophecy, which we found so impressive then?” “How can I ever forget it? At that time we had to copy 100 prophecies for penalty. This one, I will always remember.” He could not suppress a laugh as he thought of the hoax they had done more than 70 years ago and for which they had got this large penalty. “I just remember every single word: Far, far away a woman will come, will rise from the own darkness will scale up into the bright elevations of existence. Abused, hunted and hated by theirs, she will sacrifice herself for them, because she loves them more than her own life.” Silence. Nobody dared to speak. Again and again the attenders looked to the two old magicians and to Eileen alternately. “Will you show us your face now? Please.” The old woman spoke to her in a gentle sound. She seemed to understand her. So Eileen pulled first her gloves off and then she opened the attachment of her face mask and pulled it, together with the cowl, off. A scream went through the room. In front of them stood a woman with a bright, nearly transparent body. The long, brilliant-white hair nearly touched the ground. “What happened to you? My God, what became you?” Dennis could not contain himself, ran to his woman and embraced her closely. “The demon infected me. As you have brought me to the examination, in the next room was spoken about the Mighties, who were the only ones who could help me. Well, I did not know anything about these Mighties. Anyhow I have appealled to them. I have invoked them to help me. And they answered me, indeed. They offered me to arrange that I won`t transmute into a demon. Instead of that they would give me great power. Then they showed me three alternative time lines. I had the choice which future would become reality. For that purpose you have to know, that the disruption between the dimensions, through which the Windudemons come to us, will become a permanent, large passage this night. I got to know the three alternatives, between which I had to choose. They were these: In the first one I do nothing. The demons will descend on earth like locusts and will destroy every life, even mine. In the second one I use my power and go to another, peaceable, dimension and leave you to your destiny. In the third alternative I go into the disruption, close and seal it from the inside and let it implode with the help of my power. You would be saved from your destruction.” Dennis looked at her with tears in his eyes as she said: “I held off no moment to choose the third alternative. I have to go now. It is time.” She kissed her man gently, opened a way through the Campi and went through it without turning around one more time. One week passed by. One week without any attack of the demons. One week in which Dennis an Rebecca comforted mutually because of the great loss. Today in the great hall of the community should a commemoration ceremony for Eileen take place. Magicians from every country were there to pay their last respects to Eileen. The hall was full of people like it wasn´t for a long time. Rebecca stood together with her father next to a statue of her mother, which was covered with a grand sheet. The first speeches have been reported yet and it was time to bare the statue formally. A small magician, whose robe dragged over the ground, went onto the speaker´s desk, as it happened. A glittering flash lightened up the hall. A figure, wrapped in floating vestments, went out of the glow, which followed the flash. With one bash the glow was gone and the attendant magicians tried to acclimatize their eyes to the normal light desperately. The figure went to the statue staidly, raised the sheet slowly, looked under it and a friendly, femal voice asked: “Dennis, be honest. Do I really have such strong hips?” “Mum!” Rebecca ran to the figure, who embraced her affectionately. “Eileen? You are living?” Also Dennis had run to her and embraced his wife, who he think was lost passionately. “What happended. We all thought…” Eileen took one finger on his mouth to stop his flood of words. “And you all were right. No human can survive these implosion. I died. But the Mighties gave me a special task. I am a soulcompanion. I guide souls to their last destination.” “Then…then you will go again?” Dennis couldn´t repress his tears any longer. The incidents of the last months, the unexpected reunion with his wife and the imminent definitely farewell were too much for him. “You needn´t to worry. I am allowed to stay with you till I have to guide also your soul to the last destination. I can live with you together for that time. Come on, let´s go home.” Eileen, Dennis and Rebecca left the celebration, which developed into a joyful celebration, opened a portal to their living room and still lived many years in entire harmony. As Dennis time had come, he went, without fear, his last way, guided by his Eileen. THE END