Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Chapter 13 - The Very Secret Diary
Since Hermione has to remain in the hospital wing for several weeks, Harry and Ron have to deal with the Chamber of Secrets all alone. After a visit in the hospital wing they discover a flood of water in front of Myrtle′s bathroom. As they check the toilet Harry finds a pocket diary, which once belonged to T.M. Riddle, who visited the school fifty years ago. But they are not able to find out whether the diary contains any information about the Chamber of Secrets, as it seems to be completly empty.
On Valentine′s Day Prof. Lockhart tries to boost everyone′s moral with some surprise, not everybody enjoys, like dwarfs singing love messages.
When Harry and Draco run into each other, Harry′s ink bottle brakes. Everything except the pocket diary is soaked in red ink. That brings Harry to an idea. In the evening he writes a sentence into the empty book and short time after an answer appears. When Harry tries to find out more information about the Chamber, he is being pulled into Tom′s memories: It is the 13th of June 1942. From headmaster Prof. Dippet he gets to know that the school probably has to be closed, because a pupil was murdered. The suspect has not been caught yet. Harry sees, how Tom walks into the dungeons. Tom catches Hagrid, who just wanted to bring his Acromantula out of the castle. He accuses Hagrid′s monster of being guilty of the murderer and says that he has to report him. As a result Hagrid is expelled from school. At this point Harry is pulled back to the present. He reports his adventure to Ron.