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Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Chapter 7 - The Slug Club

Chapter 7 - The Slug Club

Harry can′t stop thinking about Draco′s behaviour, but Hermione and Ron don′t want to hear anything about this. They prepare for Hogwarts. The pupils are escorted by Aurors to the train station. There Harry tries to tell Arthur about Draco, but Arthur also doesn′t want to listen. In the train Harry sits together with Luna and Neville in a compartment, Ron and Hermione are at a prefects meeting.
Suddenly a small girl comes with an invitation for Harry and Neville into the compartment C. So they go to the compartment, where Professor Slughorn is waiting for them. There are some other pupils, too, taking a snack, including Ginny, although she is not connected to any famous or important person. But Professor Slughorn has seen her hex Zacharias Smith. On his way back to his compartment Harry stops at Draco′s and slips into it under the Invisibility Cloak. Unfortunately his curiosity has fatal consequences.