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  • @Rose Lovegood und Athene

    Eine Erinnerung ans Basteln losschick.

    Thesi Weasley, kannst du ab heute anfangen zu basteln?

    tell me that you need me, tell me that i'm loved
    tell me that i'm worth it, and that i'm enough
    i need it and i don't know why
    isn't it lonely?

  • Ja, glaub schon :)

    Let me tell you 'bout the good old days
    Every memory and dumb mistake
    Yeah, I'm talkin' 'bout the late nights, the good times, the mess that I made
    Those were the good old days

    Marie G5 | Lia R7 | Adrian S2 | Hermine MR | Jason G5

    WWS Legacy: Rose Heathrow

  • Super! Danke!😊😊

    tell me that you need me, tell me that i'm loved
    tell me that i'm worth it, and that i'm enough
    i need it and i don't know why
    isn't it lonely?

  • Fange morgen an

    "I feel like no one ever told the truth to me
    About growing up and what a struggle it would be
    In my tangled state of mind
    I've been looking back to find
    Where I went wrong"

    -Too Much Love Will Kill You/Queen

  • Hey, kannst du Lily fragen wann sie Zeit hat und sie bitten auf die Umfrage zu antworten.

    Ansonsten Danke. (:

    tell me that you need me, tell me that i'm loved
    tell me that i'm worth it, and that i'm enough
    i need it and i don't know why
    isn't it lonely?

  • Sie hat noch keinen Deckel

    "I feel like no one ever told the truth to me
    About growing up and what a struggle it would be
    In my tangled state of mind
    I've been looking back to find
    Where I went wrong"

    -Too Much Love Will Kill You/Queen

  • @Rose Lovegood alles klar!

    Thesi Weasley perfecto!

    Hanni Granger ja prima!

    tell me that you need me, tell me that i'm loved
    tell me that i'm worth it, and that i'm enough
    i need it and i don't know why
    isn't it lonely?

  • Das sind meine Buttons😊😍Ich hoffe, sie gefallen euch💜🍭

  • Hey Ginny!

    Sie sind super!!!

    Gefallen mir sehr sehr gut!

    tell me that you need me, tell me that i'm loved
    tell me that i'm worth it, and that i'm enough
    i need it and i don't know why
    isn't it lonely?

  • Ihr habt sie zusammen gemacht?

    Ansonsten sEhen sie toll aus!

    tell me that you need me, tell me that i'm loved
    tell me that i'm worth it, and that i'm enough
    i need it and i don't know why
    isn't it lonely?

  • Ihr habt sie zusammen gemacht?

    Ansonsten sEhen sie toll aus!

    Ja, zusammen😊🥳

    Let me tell you 'bout the good old days
    Every memory and dumb mistake
    Yeah, I'm talkin' 'bout the late nights, the good times, the mess that I made
    Those were the good old days

    Marie G5 | Lia R7 | Adrian S2 | Hermine MR | Jason G5

    WWS Legacy: Rose Heathrow

  • Aber für die Bewertung am ende muss jeder seine eigenen Buttons präsentieren. Oder ihr schickt einfach die Buttons die jede von euch einzeln gemacht hat.


    Sie sehen cool aus!

    tell me that you need me, tell me that i'm loved
    tell me that i'm worth it, and that i'm enough
    i need it and i don't know why
    isn't it lonely?

  • Oh, ja tschuldigung... Schick sie gleich nochmal

    So make the
    friendship bracelets,
    Take the moments and taste it!

  • Loona Die Bilder von mir sind meine eigenen😉

    Let me tell you 'bout the good old days
    Every memory and dumb mistake
    Yeah, I'm talkin' 'bout the late nights, the good times, the mess that I made
    Those were the good old days

    Marie G5 | Lia R7 | Adrian S2 | Hermine MR | Jason G5

    WWS Legacy: Rose Heathrow

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